Porcilis® CSF Live

Hog cholera strain GPE- at least 103 TCID50.
INDICATIONS: Active immunization of pigs as an aid in protection against hog cholera (Classical Swine Fever).
DOSAGE: Reconstitute the vaccine. Administer 1 mL/animal by IM or SC injection (fattening pigs). Low challenge area: Single vaccination at the age of 4-8 wks considering maternally derived antibodies. High challenge area: 1st vaccination at 5 wks; 2nd vaccination at 9 wks of age considering maternally derived antibodies. Breeding pigs: 1st vaccination at the age of 4-8 wks considering maternally-derived antibodies and 2nd vaccination at 6 months after 1st vaccination. Revaccinate once a year. Either the standard solvent or physiological saline for injection is recommended as the diluent.
PRECAUTIONS: Vaccinate only healthy animals. Use sterile injection equipment. Allow reconstituted vaccine to reach ambient temperature.
PACKAGING: Vial 50 doses.